MSPs And IT Services Business Owners: FREE Instant Download Reveals

How To Become A One Million Dollar MSP Using These Three Metrics

This one sheet reveals the quickest path to add one million dollars to your business in 12 months or less.

How To Become A One Million Dollar MSP Using These Three Metrics

This one sheet reveals the quickest path to add one million dollars to your business in 12 months or less.

Roughly 51% of MSP and IT Services Business Owners are generating LESS than $500K in sales annually EVEN AFTER being in business for over 10 years…

…To make things worse, most of them are getting buried in significant amounts of debt and finding it impossible to escape from the no-growth, unprofitable business model they’ve been stuck in.

If you feel like you’ve been working your tail off and not seeing results you’re wanting, it’s likely that all you need to get started is to build your business plan based on simple numbers that every MSP or IT Services Business Owner should be aware of.

We get it… you’re probably wondering where you could even find the time to figure all this out, which is why we put together a simple plug-and-play calculator that uses the exact math that thousands of our clients have used to finally escape the no-growth, low-profit business model.

Roughly 51% of MSP and IT Services Business Owners are generating LESS than $500K in sales annually EVEN AFTER being in business for over 10 years…

…To make things worse, most of them are getting buried in significant amounts of debt and finding it impossible to escape from the no-growth, unprofitable business model they’ve been stuck in.

If you feel like you’ve been working your tail off and not seeing results you’re wanting, it’s likely that all you need to get started is to build your business plan based on simple numbers that every MSP or IT Services Business Owner should be aware of.

We get it… you’re probably wondering where you could even find the time to figure all this out, which is why we put together a simple plug-and-play calculator that uses the exact math that thousands of our clients have used to finally escape the no-growth, low-profit business model.


  • The specific numbers you need to be tracking every month
  • What $1 million in top-line revenue looks like for MSPs today
  • ​The steps you need to take in order to land a high-profit client
  • ​​The $1 million MSP formula (and how to get the recurring revenue you want)
  • ​​What other MSPs charge in their monthly managed service contracts
  • ​​The anticipated revenue growth for other MSPs in the upcoming year


Roland Parker
Impress Computers

"How I Transformed My Break-Fix Business To An MSP Model, DOUBLED My MRR And Added $1,124,000 In Revenue In A Single Year"

Stuck in a rut, I had been living a real-life Groundhog Day. Despite our best efforts, our break-fix business was stuck at the $2 million in revenue barrier year after year after year. Fortunately, my wife and business partner convinced me to attend Robin Robins’ IT Marketing Roadshow.

While there, I saw and heard so many MSP success stories that I wanted to be a part of the action. I immediately signed up for Technology Marketing Toolkit’s Rapid Implementation Workshop to hopefully transform Impress Computers from a ‘stuck’ break-fix business to a growth-minded MSP.

We threw everything we had into it. Then we armed ourselves with all the marketing tools, resources and knowledge to transform our business. Everything we did must have worked because we got our FIRST MSP client from Robin’s campaign! Suddenly we realized, hey, this crazy redhead may actually know something we don’t!

All in all, we have improved our security stack and our reporting and radically changed our marketing. Two years ago we broke through the $2 million barrier and jumped up to $2,393,000. Last year, we doubled our MRR, doubled our contracted customers and increased revenue by $1,124,000 to be at $3.5 million!
David Javaheri
Direct iT

"Stuck At The Same Revenue For 8 Years, We ‘Bombarded’ Robin’s Marketing And Added 40 New Clients, $1,384,486 In Revenue And $969,000 In Profits Last Year!"

Immigrating to America from Iran at age 16, I achieved my dream of becoming a business owner. While I was successful at growing my business to $2 million, I felt so defeated because I was STUCK at that level for eight straight years. So, I decided to attend Robin Robins’ IT Marketing Roadshow in San Diego.

My first order of business was changing the name of my marketing department to ‘Marketing Bombardment,’ since sales and marketing would be our primary drivers. We ran a campaign that brought in 30 NEW CLIENTS for $85K in MRR and $200,000 in projects!

By implementing Robin Robins’ proven sales and marketing strategies and campaigns, I grew my revenue by $1,384,486 and my MRR by $150K by adding 40 new clients last year! I also added nearly a million dollars — $969,000 — in profit that same year!
Sue Brumm

"I Went From ZERO Marketing And STALLED Growth To Adding $1 MILLION In Revenues And $243,086 In Profits!"

Before discovering Technology Marketing Toolkit and Robin Robins, we had nothing regarding marketing. NO list, NO CRM system, NO one answering the phone lines. We had NO marketing, NO campaigns, NO real website… NOTHING! As a result, revenue growth was unpredictable and stagnant.

Because of the cybersecurity webinars we ran from Robin’s training, we signed two new clients, including one who’s our largest client — over $20K a month in MRR! By partnering with a compliance organization as Robin taught us, we signed FIVE sizable clients. Also, from a single in-person networking event, we closed a $5,000-a-month deal and received several leads.

I admit that when it comes to sales and marketing, everything we’ve done and continue to do are the results of what Robin Robins’ team taught us. And last year we enjoyed unprecedented growth. Our revenues were up $1,000,000. That’s 37%! And profits were up $243,086! We did all of this through organic growth without any acquisitions.


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