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In This FREE Digital Product Download You’ll Receive:

Video: A Proven MSP Marketing Blueprint To Consistently Add 1-2 New MRR Clients A Month: Get the step-by-step plan to consistently and predictably attract more high-quality clients for your IT services business…and put the entire system on auto-pilot!
Audio Interview with Robin Robins: “Secrets To Driving More Inbound Leads For IT Services”: In this candid interview, Robin Robins will reveal the strategies that her most successful, fastest-growing clients do to drive more leads, more appointments and more sales for their IT services firms despite growing competition. You’ll also discover how she become the leading expert on marketing for IT services companies in the world and show you how you can become the go-to expert in your area.
Report: “What Should An IT Services Firm Budget For Marketing?”: This report will deliver industry benchmarks based on what hundreds of MSPs are investing in marketing to generate leads and sales. You’ll also get a plan to pin-point how much you’ll want to invest based upon who many new clients you want for your IT services business.
Guide And Checklist: How To Build A Productive IT Sales Playbook: Get the IT Sales Playbook that MSPs use to close IT services contracts and projects at premium profit margins with little to no price resistance, stalls, delays or resistance.
How To Implement A Marketing System” Roadmap: We’ll give you our proprietary Marketing Roadmap that will show you where to start and how to implement a productive marketing plan. This is a process we’ve developed and perfected after working with thousands of MSPs, MSSPs, VARs and IT services firms in the last 2 decades.
Marketing Planning Consultation: As a prospective client, we’d like to offer you a private, one-on-one marketing consultation where you’ll discover how you stack up against industry norms and be able to determine what you need to do first in creating a client-attraction marketing system based on your specific goals, resources and business stage.
BONUS! Video: 5 “Average” MSPs Reveal Their “Marketing Secret Sauce” To Adding $1.1 Million In New Sales In Just 12 Short Months

We’ve Added Over $20,000 in NEW Monthly Recurring Revenue So Far This Year!

We took Robin’s advice and decided to focus on a niche. We chose the medical industry, as we had already experienced success there. We marketed to our list with a multipronged, multimedia approach of direct mail, telemarketing follow-up and canvassing. We are diligent with our marketing touches, using the templates Robin provides us, including monthly newsletters, Shock and Awe packages, TechTip e-mails, and our newly published book, Keeping I.T. Simple.Using one particular marketing strategy, we added almost $12,000 in new MRR (over $430,000 total life of contracts) with a monthly spend of $3,000.This year alone our revenue is up over 50%, and we’ve added over $20,000 per month in brand-new MRR. And now that our marketing is consistently bringing in two to three brand-new, highly qualified leads per week, I have no doubt this growth trend will continue at the same pace (or faster!).
Chris Traxler
Formerly with Cirrus Technologies

We Finally Broke The $2 Million Mark AND Secured A 101% Increase In Net Profits

I have been a client of Technology Marketing Toolkit for over five years and have had nothing but great results from the material! If you are ready to change your IT business for the better, then this product is for you. Using Robin’s strategies, we finally broke the $2 million mark and secured a 101% increase in net profits! What she teaches and provides will truly make an impact IF you implement it. It’s like a paint-by-numbers system that allows you to market to prospects, whether you have a background in marketing or not. The Producers Club is invaluable to me, and the guest speakers she brings into these events are people I would not have been able to meet, nor hear speak, at any other event that would be IT-related. Being in Producers Club has allowed me to grow my peer network of IT professionals and business owners from around the globe, and these are people who understand my business issues and can give guidance without being my competitor. Hands down, this has guided my personal growth and my company’s success to where we are today and will continue to impact the growth of tomorrow and the years to come!
Charles Henson
Nashville Computer

I’ve Gone From $1,000 In MRR To $30,000 In The 3 Years I Used Robin’s Strategies And Marketing!

Like many MSPs, I found marketing to be a completely foreign concept. Initially all of my clients came from word of mouth and I never had to go out and get the business. So bit by bit I learned marketing and implemented the tools and strategies Robin had given me.

I took Robin’s advice and transitioned all of my clients from a break-fix to a managed model. That has been a huge success and now, three years later, I’m up to $30,000 in MRR with just 2.5 people, plus project work, plus hardware and software sales. Bottom line has been solid black for the last two years and we paid off the $100,000 in debt we had accumulated in the leaner years.

I also systematized my referral program and I’m now reaching new clients by delivering seminars promoted through JV partners. By reminding myself that Rome wasn’t built in a day and setting one goal a week to further my marketing, I was able to succeed step by step in adding new marketing strategies to my business.

I wish I could take back the years I wasn’t attending events or using Robin’s methods. My advice for any new member is: don’t do like most people and let these strategies accumulate dust on the shelf, they really DO work. Also, get in a peer group (for me it was Robin’s Producers Club). With Robin’s strategies and the support of my accountability group, I have built a solid business and a confidence in the future success of things to come.
John Rutkowski
BOLDER Designs
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